Brighter Smile Teeth Whitening Tips!

Brighter Smile Teeth Whitening Tips!


Make sure you eat prior to your Sunnasmile whitening treatment. We recommend waiting an hour before you eat or drink anything, besides water.

Dental Cleaning

To achieve best results make sure you’ve had a dental cleaning within 6 months of your treatment.


Take out piercings that are in your mouth.


Be sure you have no sores or cuts in your mouth as this will cause discomfort.

Post-Care Whitening Tips

Now that your smile is bright, let's keep it that way!

First Hour

Drink only water and don’t eat anything for one hour after your whitening treatment.

First 24 Hours

For the first 24 hours after whitening, do not to consume food or drinks that are likely to cause stains. Such as blueberries, tomato sauces, beets, carrots, red wine, coffee, tea, colas, etc.

White Spots on Teeth

In some cases you may see white spots on certain areas on your teeth. These are typically caused by calcium deposits or very porous teeth. These will normally disappear within 24 hours.

White Spots on Gums

Should you have any scrapes or cuts on your gums you may see some white spots and/or feel some sensitivity during your whitening session. These will normally disappear within 24 hours.

That's it! If you have any other questions, reach out! And if you're looking to make your pearly whites a little brighter, book today with Prairie Sunless Tanning!